Custom Book Design & Layout
Meet Danielle Baird…
With over a decade experience in the industry, Danielle is a solution-driven creative with a logical mind. If you want to uplevel your brand with a book or new website design, Danielle is ready to walk that path with you. After working with online entrepreneurs, small business owners, and some big corporations over the past decade, Danielle is on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to take design into their own hands.
The Large and Small of it…
An ability to see both the details and the big picture allow Danielle to create book designs that meet both the author and their audience where they are. She pays attention to the content and allows the design to evolve from this point rather than creating an aesthetic that is disconnected from the message.
“You were a thoughtful, strategic sounding board in the early stages of this process and did an amazing job bringing the vision to life with your design. Thank you for making this book a reality.””