The next ADVENTURE begins on April 22, 2025.
Are you ready to unleash your VOICE?
The world is waiting for you, and so am I…
You will have access to all course content for a full year after your course. This includes writing exercises, extra content, resources, and video recordings of all sessions. In addition, you will have access to The ComPASSIONATE Voice Mighty Networks community for ongoing support after your course. See below for all of the details on course content, process, and dates for live virtual sessions.
All sales are final.
I Believe in the Power of Your Voice
Do you have a yearning to explore a writing practice, but feel unsure about what to say or where to start?
Do you want to create a deeper relationship with yourself and your writing practice, but your inner critic keeps getting in the way?
Do you have a book in your heart and mind, that speaks to your being and doing — part personal, part professional — but are overwhelmed with the process of writing and the idea of publishing?
We’ve been sold some half-truths about writing and the writing process. These half-truths go something like this: on the one hand, there is a belief that being a writer requires a certain amount of torture to create something of meaning and value and we can only create from this tortured place; on the other hand is the rarified vision of you writing next to a pond, in some exotic locale (south of France maybe?), with your hair gently blowing in the breeze and the words flying out of you effortlessly. These are half-truths because the reality is that daily writing is sometimes challenging and feels a little tortured and sometimes glorious and effervescent. Within this story, is the key to why we look at writing as a tortured process. We are constantly chasing the feeling of wholeness and completion when it comes to daily writing and this brings a sense of torture when it doesn’t happen. This isn’t the only way, though — at least it doesn’t have to be.
The writing process can be exhilarating and challenging, but it does not have to be tortured and neither do you. It’s time to create a new way and a new story for us as writers and I’m here to show you how.
If you know you have a book in your heart, but you don’t really know where to start, this course is for you. If you have been working on your book for a while, but you are feeling stuck, this course is for you. If you don’t have a book idea for your message and your business, but you want to deepen your writing practice and create a new relationship with writing, this course is also for YOU.
There are four types of people who participate in this program, and I have a hunch that if you are reading this page you fall into one of these categories:
The Self-Described Writer: You identify yourself as a writer and have known for a very long time that you would write and publish a book, but you just don’t know how to get over the finish line. You might have a draft or ideas for your book already in process. This course will help you refine and define what you have and the direction you want to go. Some of your ideas or your approach may shift, but you will come to a place of clarity and purpose during this process.
The Reluctant Writer: You enjoy writing… sometimes. Other times it feels so hard and challenging and like the words just won’t come, so you stop trying. Or, you don’t even really start. It’s amazing what compassion instead of criticism can do — as well as some strategies to set yourself up for success — to create momentum and motivation.
The Uncertain Writer: You really enjoy writing and feel compelled to write, but you are unsure about what to write. When you sit down to the page, everything in your mind goes blank, just like the page in front of you, or instead, so many ideas rush to the forefront that you have no idea how to choose one. The structure of a book plan and knowing your WHY, WHO your audience is, and WHO you need to be to write this book can go a long way toward providing a sense of clarity and sureness.
The Wounded Writer: You feel called to write, but you don’t know if you are capable. You probably had one or more difficult or extremely challenging experiences in elementary school, middle school, or high school, where you were told by the teacher that you are not a good writer. You believed them, and this crushed your confidence. No one ever really gave you permission to write just to write, so you didn’t give it to yourself. No one ever took the time to help you sort the big ideas from the small ideas or talk through how to use your strengths while you are writing. It’s amazing to see these writers flourish in this program.
My process is an incremental, step-by-step one that takes into account your unique Voice so that you can write from a place of curiosity, contentment, and possibility rather than a place of constant struggle.
In this Program you will:
Clarify your WHY and your motivation for sharing your message.
Identify WHO you need to be to start writing, keep writing, and ultimately complete your book.
Examine and explore your ideal reader.
Learn about the three landscapes of the writing mind and how to prepare them to ensure an unobscured path on your writing journey.
Commit to and implement a consistent daily writing practice that supports you and your voice.
Compassionately address any fears, blocks, or resistance that show up during our time together and learn strategies to deal with these difficult thoughts and emotions if they come up again during the writing process.
Create a book plan that will become your best friend and helping hand throughout the book writing and revision process.
Discuss resources for self-publishing as well as common misconceptions related to the traditional publishing industry.
Not write a book in six weeks, but you will create a foundation that will prepare you to maintain and sustain a writing practice and complete your book.
When Do We Start, and How Often Do We Meet?
The Spring 2025 Cohort will begin on Tuesday, April 22. This course is a mix of live Zoom learning and group coaching sessions, recorded sessions, guided practices, writing exercises, and resources (see schedule below). Week 1 and Week 4 contain two sessions, and the rest of the weeks contain one session. See the schedule below: a total of 8 live Zoom sessions. Each session will be 60-90 minutes in length, depending on participation. Dates and times for the sessions:
Tuesday Sessions, 12 p.m. ET: April 22, 29, May 6, 20, 27, June 3.
Thursday Sessions, 12 p.m. ET: April 24 and May 22.
There is a week break after Week 3 to allow for integration and applied work.
Be prepared to attend all sessions in person on Zoom. All sessions will be recorded if you would like to watch afterward or if something comes up and you must miss a session. There will also be a closed/private community group (Mighty Networks) available for added community and support, where you can share your writing if you choose to.
This course will be very experiential and practical. You will be writing and sharing throughout our time together.
Space is limited.
What’s My Investment?
The Course & Group Program: $1,197.
If you would like more individual attention, you can choose to add on four individual coaching sessions with me for $800. If you choose to add these four coaching sessions to the course, your investment is $1,997.00.
If you like a group atmosphere, but would also like in-depth one-on-one support, my Finding Your Voice individual coaching program is just what you are looking for. This 3-month program plus The ComPASSIONATE Writer program (a total value of $6,999) is offered here at the special price of $5,997. If you want weekly one-on-one coaching, feedback on your writing, and the flexibility of having all of the course resources and the community if and when you want it, this is the route for you. Here’s a description of Finding Your Voice if you want to learn more.
I have been doing this work with writers one-on-one for over 25 years. I started working in the traditional corporate publishing industry in 1997 and transitioned to coaching and the self-publishing arena in 2012. I have helped writers publish their books in both ways and know the ins and outs of both industries. What I offer is something different: an amazing publishing experience that is characterized by excellence, professionalism, skill, and compassion in a hybrid-publishing, print-on-demand environment.
Every one of the authors I have published through my hybrid publishing company, Compassionate Mind Collaborative, has gone through this program in either a group or individual setting.
I have the expertise, knowledge, and skills in publishing and coaching layered with a compassionate process and approach — a combination that you won’t find anywhere else. If you have tried the tortured writer approach and it isn’t working for you, Welcome! I am so excited to finally be able to share this course with you now in a live online group setting, and I can’t wait to see how your book unfolds.
The next ADVENTURE begins on
April 22, 2025.
Are you ready to unleash your VOICE? The world is waiting for you, and so am I…
You will have access to all course content and for a full year after your course. This includes writing exercises, extra content, resources, and video recordings of all sessions. There are no refunds if you cannot attend all of the sessions. In addition, you will have access to The ComPASSIONATE Writer Mighty Networks community for ongoing support after your course.
All sales are final.