To See or Be Seen?

by Dr. Chia-Ying Chou

How often do we show the world what we think it expects to see?

a loyal employee

a smart businesswoman

a friendly customer service agent

a knowledgable teacher

a friendly Uber rider 

a supportive friend

a sweet daughter

a helpful coworker

a dependable spouse 

How often do we spend hours and hours with people and only see what we expect to see?

a loyal employee

a smart businesswoman

a friendly customer service agent

a knowledgable teacher

a friendly Uber rider

a supportive friend

a sweet daughter

a helpful coworker

a dependable spouse

How often do you really see someone? How often do you really let someone see you?


ever-changing micro facial expressions

spoken and unspoken thoughts

speakable and unspeakable truth

joint pains

weeping hearts in solitude

jealousy and loneliness 

wishes and hopes

faces with no make-ups

words with no intended impression making

How lonely can we be in connections? How connected can we be in loneliness? 

If you look at someone in their eyes 


you’ll know

that every moment you share with them

is a beautiful miracle of the universe.